Look at our hands~!!!=p omg.. isnt is gorgeous?? hehe
This bracelet was bought buy Tito Lamat when we were at TC! Tito was the first one buying it.. Then me (dgn tak malunya) asked tito to buy it for me.. hehe and because at that time tito was a bit 'kaya' and well.. ya.. i have to admit that he is generous.. huhu so he bought it for me, ila, daoz and nizam.. Guess what.. we 'tipu' that abg yg jual this bracelet, saying that we are from Sarawak, having our holiday here, in Kuantan. haha but as the result.. we got great cheap yay price for it! huhuhu
The bracelet does not symbolize frenship or anything alike.. But it symbolizes our very own memories.. for that moment, for that gila2 week... Thanks Tito!
ya, lama lama nanga dah macam bijik guli dah...
uhuhu.. jgn main2.. guli bukan sebarang guli.. haha guli=pearl.. hahaha
bila mok polah reunion?jom la~
emm.. great idea.. best juak polah "bracelet the reunion".. huhu lak la try tyk cdak len bila mok polah.. either b4 or after raya.. oooo... really lookin forward to it! yay!
aku nmpk gelang2 tu kat TC mse kluar ari tu.. hehe =p
tomey kan?? =) satu gelang aku kat peedot rasanya.. kalau jumpe dia cakap aku nak!! hehe
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